White Paper: Best Practices in Sales and Operations Planning for Food Chain Optimization

Sales and Operations Planning  (S&OP) helps mature food organizations needing process revitalization, as well as optimizes growing businesses. Committing to S&OP gives you a sustained competitive advantage, letting you drive the right product, place, time, quantity, cost and business performance.  

Adroit’s white paper outlines the full process of bringing together all the plans for the business  — sales, marketing, development, manufacturing, sourcing, and financial — into one integrated set of plans.

What You’ll Learn

  • The key business benefits your organization will realize after fully integrating plans across the enterprise.
  • The “people dimension” and why it’s important to view S&OP with a people-centered lens.
  • The components of the S&OP process which links the strategic plans for the business with performance measurements for continuous improvement.
  • The role of technology in driving effective S&OP.

Download the Adroit white paper Optimizing the Food Chain: Best Practices in Sales and Operations Planning for a deeper look at the process of aligning plans for business performance.